

858666_535412356479188_478928573_oName: Rev. Mrs Jane Rosebud Mensah, married to Bishop Alex A. Mensah.

Children: Mrs. Rebecca Dalley Ackon, Johanan Okan-Mensah, Priscilla Okan-Mensah

Grandchildren: Janet Nyuiemedi Mensah, Pearl Rosebud Doghey Mensah. 

When l was a child l was very religious, l could get up in the middle of the night, knelt on my bed and began to pray.though l did not know what l was doing, my instinct tells me that l out to pray to God everyday before l go to bed and in the morning before l got up and whenever l forgot to pray, in the middle of the night l jumped from my bed, knelt down and prayed before going back to bed . It became a conscious routine in my life till l went to high school.
I remember very well the day before my final examination in the middle school, l got up that night when everybody was asleep, l took a table and covered it with white hand kerchief, lit a candle and prayed the whole night asking God to let me pass my exam which He did. Morally, l was very cautious and for that matter would not tolerate any immoral act from my male mates on campus. I was given all sort of names like “Holy holy, Madam Theresa, Chrife” etc. Even at that time l had not yet accepted the Lord as my personal savior because nobody spoke to me about Christ before. Though my guardians were very religious, members of an Orthodox church, Evangelical Presbyterian, yet that vacuum was inside me.

After my 3rd year in my first high school (Kpedze Secondary School), due to financial difficulties l had to stop schooling and worked in Caprice, a hotel in Accra, the capital city of Ghana for two years before going back to complete my High school. I did not go back to the same school, because of shame that l would not be able to graduate with my mates. I went to another high school (Anfoega Secondary School) to complete the remaining 2 years. Because my previous reports from my former school was very good so l was enrolled to my fourth year in that school. Though l still faced some financial difficulties in paying my school fees, but that was where l had my face to face encounter with the Lord in 1976.

At that time l was 17 years old when l met Jesus face to face through Scripture union on campus. Because the call of God was upon my life at that time, l organised some of the girls in the hostel where by every morning we went to the bush behind the hostel and prayed at least 1 hour before duties began in the morning. We did that for the two years l lived in the School. One day we went for prayers as usual, and God opened my eyes and l saw the heavens opened and plenty angels each holding a bouquet descending towards us and then all l saw was each angel gave each of us a bouquet. That day we all went to the hostel in high spirit. At times l organized some of the students during the long vacation, going to villages just to preach the gospel to the villagers. I was so zealous for the Lord until l finished my high school and went to Post Secondary School for another three year at GOVCO (Peki Training College) where l was trained as a certificate “A” teacher.
After my final year, l started drifting away from God due to so many factors. That is also another episode of my life and that is a complete testimony l will share when God opens the way. I back-slide for one year, and that one year was like a thousand years in hell to me. I took to drinking thinking that that would solve my problems but the more l drunk the more deep l was sinking . Things got worse within that one year period. Brothers, this was what the devil was waiting for, and he suppressed me so much that l became frustrated and depressed. For one year l had been like that and that one year was like so many years in hell fire, at that time l was teaching in Awudome Secondary School.

After one year, l was in my living room after classes one day, l looked up to heaven and shouted and called upon God to remember those good days l had with Him and reminded Him of some of the things l told Him when l was so intimate with Him. As soon as l said some of the things like “God remember l told you that if you do not protect me and l fall into sin, then know that it is not my fault, you did not protect me. So God if l die in my sin you must allow me to go to heaven because you did not protect me. God my dear father where are you? I am tired help me” As soon as l finished speaking, l felt on my knees and started speaking in tongues again. I felt the power of God as never before. I was on my knees for over two hour without even noticing it. For one year l stopped praying, l stopped reading my Bible, when l saw my christian brethren coming my way, l passed another way before they got there. But thank God l came back to my father and he opened His arms wide and took me in.
I learnt all my lessons within that one year. It was in 1981 that l came back to God. In 1986 l got married to Bishp Alex A. Mensah and up till today, God had been so faithful to me and my family.

It was after six years of my marriage that God asked me to come to full time ministry in missions and evangelism in 1992 and that was the year l started Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries (ETWORD). Ghana Education Office gave me study leave without pay for four years to go to the Christian University for my BA in Christian ministries. Because l was not earning any income the pressure was so heavy but God led me through all. That life experience is another episode of my life l will one day share as testimony if God opens the way.
After l graduated, l was commissioned into full time ministry by my National Overseer of Church of God Ghana, Bishop Asiedu Mensah, he is late, may his soul rest in peace. l became the Greater Accra Missions and Evangelism Director for Church of God in Ghana. I used ETWORD to open churches for Church Of God especially in Greater Accra,and also Sakumornor Assemblies of God. We opened fellowships in Volta Region. I was tirelessly busy in the Kingdom of God when God opened the door for me to come to America in November 1999. When l came to USA l started a church called Fountain Gate Worship Center in Worcester, MA, which is functioning very well.

This Church went through it’s testing times but God is faithful. By the grace of God, through many difficulties, l graduated by earning my Master’s degree (MA) in Pastoral Ministries, from Trinity College, Indiana (USA). My dream of International Ministries was suppressed for some time. About 8 different ministers, some from Ghana, and some from USA, one pastor from Nigeria, all prophesied the same messages to me several times that, God’s plan for me to minister world wide still holds. This messages gave me hope, and l was all the time asking God to give me His leadership and direction.

In 2006, l fasted for 40 days without food just for God to direct me. Any time l asked God to direct me, He always referred me to Moses in the Bible and whenever l was becoming impatient he gave me (Ps.37:7). One thing l have learnt all this while is that, if God’s time for you to do something either a call, your vision, your talent etc does not come, you will toil and toil but you will not achieve that dream until the opportune time. May be due to the kind of task God has for you, determines the number of years God wants to get you ready for that particular task. All He wants is for you to get enough experience and maturity to be able to handle what He wants you to do. Don’t give up continue to expect from Him and do whatever your hand finds you to do in your waiting moment, and do it well to the glory of God until your actual call comes to fulfillment. (Ps.37:7) was my quotation picked during my confirmation when l was 11 years old, it says “Be patient and trust the Lord, don’t let it bother you when all goes well for those who do sinful things” He told me when the time comes l will know.

Thank God the time has now arrived for me to fulfill God’s call upon my life. For 21 years l have been waiting for God to open the door for His promise for my life to come to pass. Thanks be to God, He is a faithful God. No matter how long it takes His will for your life will surely come to pass, just be patient and keep praying.
I humble myself before God and every body who loves Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries, asking for help in any way God directs and leads you to assist. We need cloths, shoes, toys,money and anything God lays on your heart to help with for The Good Shepherd Orphanage Home in Ghana which is founded by Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries, (ETWORD). We also have evangelistic projects and programs just to win souls into the Kingdom of God through the youth and the women. Our greatest target is the youth, the women, the orphans, and the needy, win them, train them, and send them to the field to do likewise.

If you have any donation to make, call (+1)508 410 5269 or (+1)508 304 9966.

You can also email: or or
God will bless you mightily for all your gifts and donations. No matter how small it is, before God, it is very big. God bless you all.
Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries International was founded by Rev. Mrs Jane Rosebud Mensah now in USA. It was inaugurated in Ghana on the 2nd August, 1992 by Rev. Asore who was then the National Overseer of Assemblies of God-Ghana. He is also the Patron of this notable movement and supported it in every area he could to make it stand. There are other four notable men behind the success of this ministries: Bishop Alex A. Mensah my own husband who stood by me all these years encouraging me never to give up no matter how long it takes for the open doors for this ministry, and he is also my adviser and a member of the Board of Directors. Other Board of Directors at the time the movement was started were, Mr. Christian Adjei the President and the Principal of Ghana Christian University-Ghana, Rev. Akuvie, the head pastor of Fishers of Men Ministry Accra Ghana including myself as the head of the Board of Directors.
This ministry is an Inter-Denominational evangelistic movement that wins souls and give the souls to any Bible believing churches that sponsor our crusades, seminars and any evangelistic programs.
The Vision or the Aim of this movement:
1. To reach out for every soul for Christ through out the world through media (News papers, radio, TV, internet, face book etc). Also planning crusades, seminars, camp meetings etc.

2. To raise up the youth, train them, impact unto their lives the Spirit of evangelism with power from our Field Director (The Holy Spirit) in order to be effective in their homes, schools, work places, in their communities, among their peer groups. The youth are being captured by the world, spirit, soul and body because of it’s activities and motivations in various ways. With the help of the Holy Spirit our Field Director, our plans are to bring more activities and motivations into the schools, colleges, and universities in order to attract them into the Kingdom of God.
We will bring many activities at our meeting places to encourage and motivate them as well. 

For this reason, we will plan quarterly and yearly activities for the youth in their schools, colleges, universities, in the various Districts, Regions and Countries. We plan yearly and quarterly meetings for all the National, Regional, and District coordinators in order to go through intensive training and empowerment to equip them for the task.
In September this year, we are going to lunch YFEW (Youth For Eternal Word) Ghana branch in Ghana and all our representatives from all over the world will be attending.
We invite you to be part of this movement. We need your prayer support and your financial support as well, in order to help capture the youth which the world have taken hold of.
If you want to donate or sponsor this movement, call this Telephone lines (+1) 508 410 5269 or E-mail us: or
One thing l want you to know is, giving opens the door for three things in your life:
a). With your sponsorship and giving makes you a partner who receives the same reward as those on the field. 
b). Your giving and sponsorship opens the divine door of supernatural blessings upon your life and that of your lineage.
c).The reward for helping built the Kingdom of God awaits you when all is over on this planet earth.
3. To raise up strong faithful women who can stand and defend the Kingdom of God in various ways. In some parts of the world, women are not allowed to do God’s work but we want to disproof that from the word of God (Gal 3:26-28)
“You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus” (Gen. 1:27) “So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them” (Joel 2:29) “Even on my servant both men and women, l will pour out my Spirit in those days”

So you see the reason why women who are suppressed and intimidated for a very long time, needs to be encouraged to come out from their shells, so that together we can build the Kingdom of God. Women by nature have some qualities that can project evangelism, and that is what ETWORD International wants to do and help bring out these precious qualities in these women so as to help expand evangelism in order to build God’s Kingdom.
God willing after lunching the YFEW this year, next year WFEW (Women For Eternal Word) International will also be lunched.

We cannot achieve all these without your financial help, just open up to the Spirit of God who is our Field Director to touch your heart in order to donate according to your conviction. Nothing is small, no matter how small you think your donation is, in the sight of God it is big ( 2 Cor.9: 6-7) “Remember this: whoever sows sparingly, will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver”
4. God has strongly laid it on my heart to take care of the poor, the needy and the orphans and he promised to touch the heart of people to help in taking care of this unfortunate children and l believe strongly that, you are the one whom God will use to help in taking care of these unfortunate ones. Remember one person cannot do it, for the bible says (1 Cor. 3:8) “The man who plants and the man who waters have one purpose, and each will be rewarded according to his own labor”.
Allow God to speak to your heart to be a sponsor and a partner in bringing up this unfortunate ones. If you want to pick a child and sponsor him or her call and let us know and we will take care of that for you.

Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries International has already laid the foundation for everything concerning the orphanage to start early next year and this orphanage home is known as “The Good Shepherd Orphanage Home” in Ghana.
We need your prayer support and your financial support in order to be ready with all the things we need by the end of the year. We also need material donations like, cloths, shoes, toys, etc to prepare for the lunching of the orphanage in 2014. Whatever you are led to give, just call the following Telephone lines (+1)508 410 5269 or
E-mail us: or

A lot of crusades were held and as a result, the following churches were established in Ghana and USA, The Adenter Church of God, The House of Glory Church at Labadi-Ghana, The Corner Stone at Lashibi-Ghana, Oyibi Church of God-Ghana and Sakumornor Assemblies of God-Ghana, Fountain Gate Worship Center-Worcester, USA. These churches are all functioning. Two fellowships were started in Volta Region-Ghana, Akorme Christian Fellowship, Adaklu Waya Christian Fellowship were also established. These Churches and fellowships except the Assemblies of God were supported and sponsored financially by Eternal Word Evangelistic Ministries International. These were great achievements for this movement and we want to continue the good work and l want you also to be part. God bless you richly as you take the decision of how you want to support ETWORD
During our crusades a lot of souls were delivered from strong holds and bondage, people were instantly healed from their diseases and afflictions. I will be sharing a lot of testimonies and l have already shared some on face book.
You can visit God richly bless you as you think about ETWORD!!

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